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2016 Senior Spokesmodel Program

& Application

Thank you for your interest in the Senior Spokesmodel program with Expressions Photography! We are looking for friendly, outgoing, and energetic 2016 seniors. Does this sound like you?

What is a Senior Spokesmodel?

A Expressions Photography Spokesmodel is a fun, friendly, and outgoing boy or girl hired to promote and represent us at their school and community. All spokesmodel are hand selected based on positive self-image and good qualities. If you are chosen to be a spokesmodel, you will be offered a modeling contract with Expressions Photography with great benefits and a spokesmodel package valued at over $900.

A spokesmodel is not a sales person, the photos will sell themselves, but is simply asked to work hard and earn rewards. Spokesmodels simply show off their portraits and tell their friends about their experience, then hand out personalized buzz cards with good discounts to those interested. A Spokesmodel helps their friends save on their senior portraits. The more sessions we book in the Spokesmodel's name, the more credits and rewards everyone earns!

What you get!

Your perks include an early mini session usually towards the end of your junior year, a mini album to show off to friends and family, business rep cards to hand out to classmates with specials, branded digital photos for your Facebook account, and other super cool and trendy products! Also included is a longer, second session in the summer/fall of your senior year.  You also qualify for our Seniors Signature Rewards Program.

Senior Signature Rewards!

For each referral that books/pays/completes a session and turns in your card, you will receive a $50 store credit towards your own order, and they will receive special savings. In addition to this, we offer bonus levels to help get even more rewards. Referrals can be from your school or other local high schools.

Bonus Levels:

- 100 points for 5 successful referrals
- 50 points for 20 names and email addresses of 2015/2016 seniors (must be accurate & valid and have permission to sign up to our newsletter).
- 1 point for each "Like" your refer to our Facebook Fan Page

Examples of what you can get with your Points!

- $250 Visa Gift card ....................................................................................200 points
You can earn extra bonus points all the way up to graduation. You can use them for wallet re-orders, graduation announcements, or whatever you like.

Does it cost anything?

You must have parental/legal guardian permission to apply. There is a one-time enrollment fee of $250 to help offset the costs of the products and sessions you will receive (valued at over $900) in the event that you are unable to bring at least 2 referrals during your contract.

Excited yet? Our Spokesmodels have a blast! Only a limited number of Spokesmodels are accepted from local area high schools, so please fill out and submit the application below to apply. Once you have been selected, you will be contacted to set up an interview.

I'm excited to hear from you! Best of luck!

Application Forms

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